Myanmar – U Bein Bridge – Mandalay

Written on Saturday, June 27, 2015 by

Built originally in 1849 from Myanmar’s beautiful rich teak reserves, U Bein Bridge stretches 1.2 kilometres across the shores of Taungthaman Lake. Tourists and locals alike come to watch the beautiful sunsets here, while scarlet robed monks and giggling children travel across its length. On one side sat the main body of the lake where local fisherman perched awaiting a catch, to the other stretched endless fields tended by families living in makeshift huts while children played. Everywhere the sun’s rays illuminated the spires of hundreds of Buddhist stupas.

Amongst a few stalls selling snacks was a small restaurant serving up local fare and frosty cold beers. I sat and marvelled as the last remaining light disappeared over the horizon, its orange glow creating a beautiful silhouette of the bridge. I was pleased to have bought an extra memory card with me, as a plethora of amazing photo opportunities presented themselves wherever the eye could see.


Read more of my Myanmar adventures HERE

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