Growing up, my family ran a coach touring business and I was lucky enough to be “on tour” at a very young age. Extensive travel all around Australia in the 70’s and 80’s ignited my passion for travel and it was a natural progression to explore the world. I consider myself so lucky to have had a lifelong career doing something that has never really felt like work. Designing itineraries, escorting groups and sharing travel stories with colleagues and clients is all in a day’s work and I couldn’t be happier about that.

Why I Travel

I love to travel to put everything in perspective.  When I’m travelling, meeting local people, learning of their cultures, experiencing the natural beauty of a location, walking amongst the amazing architecture, or feasting on the local cuisine, there is a feeling of fulfilment and accomplishment that is hard to beat.  To have experienced so many different environments makes me feel grounded and grateful for the world we live in.

What do you love that we do?

I love being a part of our team.  Everyone works as a team and collectively has an amazing amount of knowledge and experience we can all draw on to help create the best itineraries and experiences for our clients.  I feel proud to be part of such a progressive company in the travel industry.

Top 10 favourite travel experiences

Karla’s Travel Tips

  • If you see that something in your travels you want to take home, just buy it!  Don’t think you’ll come back and get it later – you never do and you can never find another one!
  • If you have your heart set on doing something, make sure you book it in advance.  You don’t want to travel all that way and find out it’s closed or sold out!  Who can forget the Griswold’s Wallyworld experience? Don’t let that be you.
  • When you’re travelling and things get tough as they sometimes do, remember these times will make the best memories and bring you the most laughs when you’re telling the stories to your friends later.
  • Take half the amount of luggage you’re permitted.  Less luggage means less work and more space for purchases.

Favourite travel quote

We Travel Not To Escape Life, But For Life Not To Escape Us

 – Marina Richter